

DAGE 4000 Plus Bondtester




The Nordson DAGE 4000 Plus is the most advanced bondtester on themarket, offering unsurpassed accuracy and repeatability. Developed by the world leader in bond testing technology, the Nordson DAGE 4000Plus represents the industry standard in bond testing.

Irrespective of the industry: semiconductors, or the various microelectronics sectors of aut omotive, power, hybrid, or high reliability, the Nordson DAGE 4000Plus has the versatility and accuracy which gives its users total confidence in the quality of their products. It features the latest patented bond testing technology, for example the anti-backlash system. The Nordson DAGE 4000Plus is capable of testing from 250 milligrams right through to 500kg, catering for both standard and specialized applications. Remember too that the 4000Plus builds on the success of the Nordson DAGE 4000; data correlation between the machines is assured. The new Paragon software will also run on the Nordson DAGE 4000 bondtester

Featured Applications

Ribbon pull – With an extensive range of load tools including hooks and tweezer jaws, all sizes and types of ribbons can be tested.

Hot bump/pin pull – A new load cartridge makes this groundbreaking test even better, especially for evaluating PCB substrate materials and low profile solder bumps.

First bond ball pull of copper wires and pull of studs, bumps and pillars – For the first time custom pull jaws enable tensile tests on these important interconnects.

Fatigue pull and shear – Fatigue analysis is emerging as an increasingly important method in evaluating solder joint reliability.

A mix of software control and hardware enables fatigue testing in both pull and shear modes.

Passivation layer shear – A combination of software and a special load tool provides a solution to ball shear where access is limited by the passivation layer.

Extensive Testing Capability

Current and emerging applications are fully catered for with load cartridges combined with standard and specialized fixtures to perform shear tests up to 500kg, pull tests up to 100kg and push tests up to 50kg.


(1)ball shear test (2)wire pull test (3) solderball pull (4)die shear